BeatleTech generated with Jekyll
Monday, 03 January 2011.
When I started with the creation of and blog, I didn’t want to rely on Wordpress (or others) as I wanted more flexibility and control, and I definitely didn’t want to separate the blog from the main site, i.e. linking to a blog on Posterous.
So my initial plan was to build the site in clojure, given a nice online clojure blog example, Brian Carper’s Cow-blog. However, shortly after having started, my friend Jeff Rose introduced me to Jekyll, which is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby. It allows for templating, and uses Disqus for showing a dynamic javascript blog. Generating a static site allowed me to copy all the html files to my Transip webhosting server, and thereby keeping it extremely low cost. Running a clojure site on Google App Engine could have been a good alterative, but I liked giving Jekyll a try. It turned out to be very easy and already has tons of examples online to check out. I also put the source code of BeatleTech on Github for sharing, and hope it could be of any use for you.
So if you are looking for a way to create your website-blog and (just like me) already paid for webhosting, which sadly only allows you to do some php wizardry, then rest assured as Jekyll can save your day.